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June 22, 2022

Can Writing Blog Posts On Shopify Improve Seo?

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Can Writing Blog Posts On Shopify Improve Seo? | up to 30% Best Blog Writing Course

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Shopify stores might need to create blog content in order to rank for keywords that are strictly transactional. We see Shopify stores creating blog content for SEO as one of their most popular opportunities. So let us understand whether we can Can Writing Blog Posts On Shopify Improve Seo?

Can Writing Blog Posts On Shopify Improve Seo?

So, Can Writing Blog Posts On Shopify Improve Seo? Get Yours Now!

As guided in this Can Writing Blog Posts On Shopify Improve Seo? article, Shopify stores often target keywords with informational intent and transactional pages. This causes a discrepancy in the content that the store has and the rank Google wants. This means that Shopify doesn’t have pages that support the keywords’ intent. This post will discuss how to identify and correct this discrepancy.

Writing Blog Posts On Shopify Improve Seo

Let’s take an example query for “selfie cam” as an example. It appears to be a transactional question. A query to buy is used by users who want to purchase the term “selfie cam”

The top three results for this search term are both informational and transactional. If you are a Shopify blog or store trying rank collections pages for this query, it might not work.

This is an example where Google displays the user intent for a keyword. Google displays these results to show that users are looking for informational “Listicle” types of content. Google users don’t want to just see all the “selfie camera” options in Shopify, they want to see the best available selfie cameras.

This means that you won’t be able to rank for this keyword on your category page. This keyword is instead available on your Shopify Seo blog. Another interesting example is here. Another interesting example is the keyword “best selfie camera.” This keyword appears transactional.

This is known as a mixed intent result.

This result can be used to fulfill two different purposes. The transactional intent is to purchase a cloth diaper. The informational intent is to learn more about best practices. Both pages can appear on the first page of this term. This means that some sites may appear on more than one page.

Let’s look at, which is the #1 spot. They have already claimed the first place here, which is a clear sign that they are doing an excellent job with Shopify SEO. There might be another result that they can rank for. They are only ranked for the transactional intent, but not for the informational.

You can see that they have a page geared towards “Cloth Diaper Basics” on their website. This content is basically a blog post type under their URL path /pages/. The page is a detailed FAQ which answers all users’ questions about cloth diapers.

This Shopify Seo Blog could be a great place to improve optimization in order to better target transactional keywords. They might consider:

  • Change the format of an FAQ to a “Guide” type content
  • Organization of the FAQ into clear categories (Benefits and Cleaning, etc.
  • Look for ways to fill content gaps (types cloth diapers)

This could give their Shopify Seo category page and their post a chance of ranking in the top 10 results for a very important keyword. Although it might seem hard to rank pages based on both information and transaction intent, it is possible. is a good example of this. They know that this term is very important to them and have optimized their homepage for the transactional intent as well as a blog post for informational intent.

Finding Blog Posts On Shopify to Improve Seo Opportunities

All this information is great, but how do you find Shopify Seo Blog opportunities? The process is quite simple.

Identify high-value keywords. These keywords can be keywords you know will generate lots of revenue for your business. AdWords data can be used to link your keywords to revenue.

Review their intent. Next, perform manual searches for each keyword. Take note of the types of results Google returns here. Are they transactional, informational, or a combination of both?

Create your own website content: Does Shopify Seo Blog have the content necessary to match each keyword’s intent? Are you able to create a category page for queries that return product listing pages? Are you able to answer queries with informational posts?

Optimize/Create: Next, you need to decide what steps you’ll take. You may only need to adjust and optimize the targeting of pages that already have the content infrastructure. You may have to create new pages if you don’t have the content infrastructure.

How to Write Blog Posts On Shopify to Improve Seo that fill in content gaps

So while answering your question about Can Writing Blog Posts On Shopify Improve Seo?, You will need to create the content if you haven’t identified enough blog content to be competitive for your store’s key keywords. This can be quite a daunting task especially if you start from scratch.

The Google search results are the best Shopify Seo research tool. You can review them to find out which types of content rank well in search engines.

1. Take note of the top-ranking posts’ common topics

This is a key aspect of making sure your Shopify blog posts rank high. Users expect answers to certain questions when searching for informational articles. Your goal is to answer all those questions with your content.

This can be done by observing what type of content URLs appear to have consistently on the first page. In our example of cloth diapers, we see that both informational articles are about “Types Of Cloth Diapers”.

This means we will want to make sure our content contains the information. Google and users may expect the content to be relevant enough to rank the page for that term.

2. Look at “related searches”.

You can also look at the “Related Searches”, which are located at the bottom of search results. This will display other queries people have made about the topic. This will often include suggestions of topics you could use in your own content.

Here are some examples of “Related Searches”, which may be useful for your query.

Although many of these ideas may not be appropriate for our content (cloth diapers amazon and cloth diapers walmart), we can still use some of them. A section on “how to clean cloth diapers”, for example, would make a great addition to our pages. This section can be used to generate additional content ideas related to your core topic.

3. Utilize hub content

Hub content is becoming more common in SEO. Google will often rank articles that answer a question and link to other resources. Moz’s Beginner’s Guide To SEO ranks highly for the keyword “SEO” despite only having a small amount of content. The page has approximately 6-7 paragraphs of content at its top as of writing.

When you write content for Shopify Seo Blog, make sure it is “hub content”. If your site contains other helpful resources that users might find useful, link to them in the post. As needed, we recommend linking to them both in the on-page content and in a section called “Resources” at the bottom.

Google and users will notice that your site has the content to answer their original query, but you can also answer any other questions they might have.

4. Add upsells to product pages

We know that this is a frustrating part of the process. These pages are informational and less revenue-focused. These pages won’t be revenue drivers so there is less incentive to optimize and create these blogs.

It is important that Shopify blogs offer upsell opportunities for similar products. This can be done in many ways:

  • Make sure you include a link to “Related Products” at the end of your posts
  • Include links in the posts to pages relating to product or category
  • This will increase the likelihood of your blog posts being converted by users.

Shopify has seen steady growth in popularity over the years. Built With statistics show that usage has more than doubled since October 2017. Shopify is currently used by 4.24 out of the top 10,000 websites and 3.02% in the top 100,000.

We’ve been able to work with many Shopify stores and wanted to share our SEO process with our clients. Below is a guide that will outline common changes we make to Shopify stores.

What is Shopify SEO?

Shopify SEO offers a unique set of SEO adjustments specific to Shopify. Although Shopify stores offer SEO tools such as a blog or the ability to redirect traffic, they can also cause SEO problems such as duplicate content.

Shopify’s duplicate content has been identified as the most important issue in SEO. Duplicate content is when duplicate or similar content is found on two different URLs. Search engines may have difficulty determining which page should be considered the authoritative version. Link signals can also be split between pages.

Modifying the internal linking structure

This is an easy fix. We’ve been able to work with our dev team based on this Can Writing Blog Posts On Shopify Improve Seo? article, to adjust the code in the product.grid-item.liquid file. These instructions will enable your Shopify site’s collection pages to point at the canonical URL /product/.

Product variant pages

Although technically this is Shopify’s duplicate content, it is not necessarily an SEO issue. We felt this needed its own section. Shopify stores often have multiple URLs for the same product, with slight variations. This can lead to duplicate content problems as the core product may be the same but the color or other attributes are changed.

Multiple pages could have identical or duplicate product descriptions and images. Here is an example of duplicate pages created by a variant:

This creates duplicate content if left unattended. Variant URLs don’t have to be a problem for SEO. These URLs can actually be beneficial for some websites as they allow you indexable pages that can be optimized for specific terms. These URLs are not necessarily beneficial for every site. These are some key questions you should ask:

  • Are your customers able to perform queries based upon variant phrases?
  • Are you able to create unique content for every product variant?
  • Does this content have enough uniqueness to be considered a stand-alone?

Jenny Halasz has written a detailed guide on to help you decide the best way to handle product variants. It’s worth checking whether product variant pages in your Shopify store should be at a different URL. If they do, you will need to create unique content and optimize each one for the variant’s targeted keywords.

Indexing and crawling

We’ve analyzed this Can Writing Blog Posts On Shopify Improve Seo? article with a lot of Shopify stores and found some unique SEO items that Shopify can use for crawling and indexing. This is an essential component of ecommerce SEO. We thought it would be a good idea to share those that are applicable to Shopify.

The sitemap.xml file is dynamically updated as new pages are added/removed to the site. The Shopify sitemap.xml file is ready to use straight out of the package and does not need to be modified.

Shopify will include all pages published in the sitemap.xml. We see most legacy pages, which are not linked to on the site but have been published, being included in the sitemap.xml. To find published pages not listed in the sitemap.xml, it is worth crawling.

Conclusion – Can Writing Blog Posts On Shopify Improve Seo?

Although it may seem like a secondary priority for Shopify stores’, blogging can often be a crucial part of SEO. Shopify stores might need to write blog content in order to rank for keywords that appear transactional, but Google is ranking informational results. Your content strategy will hinge on your understanding of the search intent for high-value keywords. So this concludes the topic for Can Writing Blog Posts On Shopify Improve Seo?.
