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January 7, 2023

How Do You Ensure Your Content Is SEO Friendly?

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So, you just logged in with the WordPress admin panel and wrote a new article for your readers. You’re about to hit the “Publish” button, after which you’ll return to your normal life. So let us read So let us read more about How Do You Ensure Your Content Is SEO Friendly?

How Do You Ensure Your Content Is SEO Friendly?

So, How Do You Ensure Your Content Is SEO Friendly?

Well, wait a minute! Because you need to make sure it is SEO-friendly if you want the content you spent a lot of time writing to be found by people searching for it on search engines.

In the next How Do You Ensure Your Content Is SEO Friendly? article, I’ll show you how easy it is to make the changes you need so that your content is not only interesting to your readers but also shows up when people search for the subject matter you just wrote about on Google and other search engines.

  1. Keywords

Keywords are still a crucial part of SEO, so before you write an article, you should research how people search for what you are writing. Ahrefs estimates that “SEO course” is searched for 11,000 times yearly, while “SEO guide” is searched for only 2,000 times monthly.

With this information in mind, you should write about the most popular keywords to get more readers.

  1. Title

This is the first part of your How Do You Ensure Your Content Is SEO Friendly? article that people see on the search results page. It also makes them decide whether or not they are required to read more.

Make sure it’s interesting if you want to reach more people. Google doesn’t have a strict limit, but article titles are suggested to be between 50 and 70 characters long.

A Zippy study also found that Google automatically changes about 61% of page titles to give people searching for the page more concise information.

  1. Meta Description

The meta description is the second most important thing a search will show about your article. This summary should summarize your article and let the reader know if they will find the right information.

Yoast says it’s best to keep your meta tags between 120 and 155 characters. Meta descriptions can’t be set up in WordPress without a plugin, so I suggest installing one. We’ll talk more about this in point nine.

  1. URL Slug

This is your How Do You Ensure Your Content Is SEO Friendly? article’s URL without the web address. Try to keep this short, give enough information about the content and use the article’s main keyword(s).

Google Search says that you should ensure the URL is short, easy to understand, and includes your keyword (s). We suggest putting a hyphen between keywords in your URL and avoiding underscores and long words or numbers that are hard to read.

  1. Heading Structure

The best thing you can do for SEO is to use clear headings and help people find their way around your content. Also, setting up your content in a hierarchy is important, with H1 coming first, then H2, etc.

Ensure that your article has only one H1 tag and that you don’t skip levels in the hierarchy. It would be finest if you glanced at Google’s suggestions for headings for more information and examples.

  1. Paragraphs

I suggest putting your content into easy-to-read paragraphs so users can quickly find what they are looking for. Again, I want to stress the importance of using the correct words in the content, but not too much; keep it natural.

  1. Don’t reuse content

Google, as well as other search engines, like unique and well-researched content. Ensure that your material is interesting, and don’t copy large chunks of text.

When you syndicate, be careful and use rel=canonical to give credit where it’s due. On the Content Marketing Institute website, there is a guide explaining how to do this.

  1. Images

Images are important because they help your content make more sense. From the point of view of SEO, you should think about the following:

  • Start making sure the image is a good size and ready for the web. You can utilize many tools to make your images look their best.
  • The name of the image should give a short description of what it is, like “iPhone-13-mini-red.jpg” instead of “iphone.jpg.”
  • Use ALT text, figure captions, and figure descriptions to explain what the image is about.
  1. Links (Internal And External)

Backlinks are like votes for your content that other websites give you. Search engines will automatically rank your content higher if it gets good votes from websites that are seen as trustworthy authorities in your niche.

On, there is a step-by-step guide on how to get backlinks for a newly published article.

It would help if you also linked to another webpage where your readers can find out more about the topic you’re writing about or where you’ve mentioned something else.

This is also true for internal links, so add links from your new article to your other relevant articles and your fresh pieces of content to your other relevant articles. A helpful guide on tells you how to use internal links.

  1. SEO Plugins

You might want to use an SEO plugin such as Yoast, Rank Math, SEO Press, or All in One SEO, which will tell you right away how well your content is optimized for search engines and give you tips on how to make it more search engine-friendly.

You should try them all and take the one that best suits you.

Conclusion – How Do You Ensure Your Content Is SEO Friendly?

This list of 10 steps is not all there is, but it is the right place to begin if you require to improve your content for search engines. You might want to know more about how to optimize your content.

In that case, you can always talk to an SEO expert or an SEO agency, who will review your website and its content and give you some tips. So this concludes the topic for How Do You Ensure Your Content Is SEO Friendly?.
